Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get Ready to Empty Your Pockets America....

Yup, get ready to fork it over to Uncle Barry. The Annointed One will speak to his allies in Congress during prime time to let us know how horrible things are in the USA.

Bashing Bush is not going to get it done either. So let's see if the ManChild can walk on water tonight..... Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just Say Yo!!!!!

Well, Barry sure knows how to pick 'em huh?

It seems his cabinet picks have tax issues for sure, like Puff Daschle.

But who cares, he's the annointed one. On Day 17 of the Messiah's Kingdom, we now know that B. Hussein has dropped the charges for the nutjob jihadist who masterminded the attack on the USS Cole.

Atta Boy Barry. Way to keep us safe!!!!! But the trains ran on time today!!!