Wednesday, January 28, 2009

NObama'a Pork Store!

El Puerco. And I thought muslims didn't like pork?

Barry just had a Hawaiian Luau with all that roasted pig laden in that stimulus bill passed by the House.

There's billions in there for so called "climate change". An issue that's low on the totem pole for Americans. There's hundreds of millions in there for condoms, STD's, KY, and other do-dads for Princess Pelosi.

I'm waiting for a Tequila/Cannabis stimulus right about now to keep me from going out of my mind.

But hey, we didn't get attacked right?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh..... It's Awnnnn MoFo!!!!! Bring It Biatch!!!!!!!!!

Das right Barry X (public official BTW), send dat no rhythm cracker Rush (private citizen BTW) to White Devil Hell while the Space Brothas head back to Calypso Louie's Mothership!!!

The DCCC, in it's pathetic attempt to silence the voices of the right, have launched a ridiculous petition to try and muzzle America's Anchorman. I guess feeding the poor and curing blindness will have to take a rumble seat for now.

I think Barry can't shine Rush's shoes, frankly. Gee, was that a racist comment? Gosh I hope not. Judas H. Priest, I have to walk on eggshells with "these" people!!!

BTW, the trains ran on time today!!! WOO HOO!!!

Iran Getting Nukes? No fear...... Barackllary to the Rescue!!!!!!!!!

"Yes We Can" break stale pitas with Ahmedinijad (sic). So what if he's a step or two away from getting a bomb, let's try and understand his anger. Let's get to the root instead of chopping down the bad apple tree. "Yes We Can"

Maybe, just maybe, when Barackllary is in Ahmed-I'm-In-A-Jihad's presence, they can ask him this most pressing question:

"What's on your i-Pod Dude?"

Apologizing for America!!!!!!!

Yes, that's right. Sir Barry says we've been dictating and not listening. He also says, "that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that."

Is that before or after they bombed us, B. Hussein?

Monday, January 26, 2009

NObama's first 100 minutes.... Errrr Umm... 100 hours.

Man, being the Chief Executive is not all it's cracked up to be, eh Mr. Community Organizer? In his first 100 hours he manages to tick off a lot of people, including 9/11 families over closing Gitmo and suspending trials for these animals.

Then, the ManChild picks a fight with none other than the Maha-Rushie, Rush Limbaugh telling GOP'ers in Congress that in order to work with him, they must not listen to El Rushbo. The problem is, Barry's a public official, Rush is a private citizen. The Messiah cannot win this battle.

On top of that, Blago is being impeached in Illinois. When that excrement hits the fan, Don Barack may have some problems, especially if his consigliere, Rahmbo, has some dirt under his nails.

Other than that, we haven't been attacked, Wall St didn't melt, the sun still rises, the trains don't run on time, but Barry had a successful 100 hours as Prez.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to The Daily Ears

Welcome to the place where we pick the ear wax from the annointed one and wipe it on Saul Alinsky's grave. Here, you can learn how to be a street agitator aka community organizer and become president by using the "cult" of personality. More to come on NObama's first 100 hours in the Oprah Office.