Monday, January 26, 2009

NObama's first 100 minutes.... Errrr Umm... 100 hours.

Man, being the Chief Executive is not all it's cracked up to be, eh Mr. Community Organizer? In his first 100 hours he manages to tick off a lot of people, including 9/11 families over closing Gitmo and suspending trials for these animals.

Then, the ManChild picks a fight with none other than the Maha-Rushie, Rush Limbaugh telling GOP'ers in Congress that in order to work with him, they must not listen to El Rushbo. The problem is, Barry's a public official, Rush is a private citizen. The Messiah cannot win this battle.

On top of that, Blago is being impeached in Illinois. When that excrement hits the fan, Don Barack may have some problems, especially if his consigliere, Rahmbo, has some dirt under his nails.

Other than that, we haven't been attacked, Wall St didn't melt, the sun still rises, the trains don't run on time, but Barry had a successful 100 hours as Prez.

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